
April Fool's day is almost over and not one person played a trick on me. I'm very disappointed.

So, for your entertainment, here's a prank I played once. It made me laugh and laugh.

I used to work with an anal retentive type who frequently dusted his keyboard and polished his business card holder and computer monitor. I worked later than he did and often stopped by his desk to plant a big thumb print on the monitor. Sometimes I'd add a dab of Vaseline on his "J" key. This was a source of enjoyment for me as he never failed to become extremely annoyed.

One day as he was dusting, he looked up. I glanced up too to see what the heck he was looking at, and there was an air vent over his desk.

I got an idea.

That night as I left work, I sprinkled a bit of salt around his keyboard. When he arrived the next morning, he brushed it away and again, looked up. I couldn't imagine what he thought was coming out of the air vent. When he left that night, of course, I had to do it again.

He became more agitated about it as the days went on, so naturally, I continued. After about two weeks, however, I grew bored. As he was wiping off his desk one day, I casually told him the office would be shut down that weekend--that OSHA had been called in to clean up the asbestos problem. I never saw anyone get white and pasty before.

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